Activity of the most studied minerals in Nutritherapy – Phosphorus



Activity of the most studied minerals in Nutritherapy - PhosphorusOur body contains 700 to 900 g of phosphorus, 85% of which is stored in our bones in the form of hydroxyapatite. The rest is integrated into molecules, in particular ATP, RNA, DNA, phospholipids). Only 1% of phosphorus is extracellular.

Phosphorus produces insoluble and unabsorbable precipitates with Mg, so the abuse of dairy products and sodas (enriched with phosphoric acid) decreases Mg (and calcium).

AJR: our P needs are evaluated at 700 mg / d


  • disrupts the metabolism of calcium, magnesium (inhibition of absorption) and vitamin D
  • stimulates PTH (signal secreted by the parathyroid when blood calcium drops, PTH is released and this causes the bone to unravel to bring up calcium), ditto with Mg deficiency
  • increases the risk of vascular calcifications
  • increases cardiovascular risks (non-bone calcifications)
  • contribute to kidney damage
  • disrupts the secretion of fibroblast growth factor 23.

Calvo MS et al, Public health impact of dietary phosphorus excess on bone and cardiovascular health in the general population, Am J Clin Nutr, 2013.98 (1) 6-15

Beyond that, an excess of phosphorus is associated with accelerated aging and increased mortality.


The products richest in phosphorus are dairy products, animal proteins, industrial sodas Medicines using phosphorus as excipients.

If calcium intakes are problematic (especially due to the lack of vitamin D), phosphorus intakes are generally excessive. However, phosphorus precipitates calcium salts in the intestine and inhibits their absorption.

It is therefore interesting to reduce the phosphorus intake, which is particularly abundant in sweet industrial drinks often over-consumed by children and adolescents. It would be more judicious to give them the opportunity to endorphinize the taste of squeezed fruits, tomato juice, mineral water, tea, soy milkshakes, …

But dairy products are the main source of excess phosphorus. Cow’s milk contains more than 6X more phosphorus than breast milk.

Author Jean-Paul Curtay

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