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Activity of the most studied minerals in Nutritherapy – Copper



Even more pro-oxidant and pro-inflammatory than iron.

Paradox: we used the trace element Cu as an anti-inflammatory because everything that is pro-oxidant has an indirect anti-inflammatory effect, if we inject the oxidant, it stimulates the defenses (superoxide dismutase, catalases, glutathione peroxidase ) to defend oneself => but poor benefit / risk ratio

Copper increased if:

To reduce Copper:

But do not give too much zinc because it induces the synthesis of metallothionine in the digestive tract and its absorption is reduced.

RDA: 0.9 to 1.2 mg / d (experts believe it is overestimated)


1- The most pro-oxidant of all micronutrients:

2- Pro-inflammatory:

3- Powerful promoter of angiogenesis

4- Neurotoxic

5- Transforms tyrosine into melanin (skin pigment)

6- Excess copper (like heavy metals) displaces zinc from P53 (zinc protein) and makes it ineffective, this is another mechanism (besides DNA damage and the promotion of angiogenesis ) by which it is carcinogenic


Lack of copper is rare. It could affect around 10% of elderly patients As copper cannot be given as a supplement, nor even as trace elements (0.25 mg, but “naked” it is even more aggressive than iron), we cannot can recommend it only in food form. The richest products are liver (but organic) and seafood. It is also found in chocolate and legumes.


Never give copper , even in the form of trace elements (even less with gold and silver, toxic substances)

=> its presence in supplements is associated with a significant increase in mortality! (Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cardiovascular, overweight, obesity, mortality).

=> more copper in tap water or supplements increases cognitive losses, the risk of Alzheimer’s and markedly mortality (for supplements).

Laboratories are developing anti-copper molecules not just against Wilson disease, but against

This list is not exhaustive. We should start by not giving any!

Author Jean-Paul Curtay

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