Category: Medical News

  • Malaria


    I – Introduction: A- Presentation of malaria: Malaria is a serious parasitic disease transmitted by infected Anopheles mosquitoes. The disease is caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium, which multiply in the liver and red blood cells of the human body. Symptoms of malaria include fever, chills, headache and muscle aches. In severe cases, the disease can lead…

  • Thrombosis


    I – Introduction: A- General presentation of thrombosis: Thrombosis is a common condition characterized by the formation of a blood clot in a vein or artery, resulting in partial or total blockage of blood flow. This obstruction can occur in different parts of the body, such as the legs, arms, brain or lungs, and can have…

  • Tendonitis


    I – Introduction: A- Definition of tendonitis: Tendinitis is a common medical condition characterized by inflammation of a tendon. Tendons are fibrous structures that connect muscles to bones, and are essential for movement. Tendonitis can affect any tendon in the body, but is most common in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles. The causes of tendinitis can…

  • Polyps


    I – Introduction: A- Presentation of the subject: definition of polyps: Polyps are abnormal growths that form on the mucous membranes of different parts of the body. They can develop in the colon, stomach, nose, uterus, and other organs. Polyps are often asymptomatic, which means that people who have them may not feel the effects. However, some types…

  • Varicose veins

    Varicose veins

    I – Introduction: A- Definition of varicose veins and explanation of their prevalence: Varicose veins are enlarged and twisted veins that often appear in the legs. They occur when the venous valves that prevent blood from flowing back down the legs do not work properly. Risk factors for varicose veins include heredity, age, pregnancy, obesity, lack of…

  • Leukemia


    I – Introduction: A- Presentation of leukemia: Leukemia is a type of blood cancer that affects blood cells produced in the bone marrow, such as white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. It is characterized by the excessive production of immature white blood cells, which invade the bone marrow and prevent the normal production of…

  • Heart attack

    Heart attack

    I – Introduction: A- Explanation of what a heart attack is: A heart attack, also known as a heart attack, occurs when part of the heart muscle no longer receives enough oxygenated blood due to a blockage in the coronary arteries. This blockage can be caused by the buildup of plaque in the arteries, which reduces…

  • Bedsores


    I – Introduction: A- Definition of bedsores: Pressure sores are skin lesions that form when prolonged pressure on any part of the body restricts blood flow and deprives the skin of oxygen and essential nutrients. They usually occur in people who are bedridden, in a wheelchair, or immobile for long periods of time. Pressure sores start out…

  • Epicondylitis


    I – Introduction: A- Presentation of epicondylitis: Tennis elbow, also known as tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow, is a common condition that affects the elbow. It is characterized by localized pain on the epicondyle bone, which is a small bony protrusion located at the lower end of the humerus. This pain may radiate into the forearm and…

  • Emphysema


    I – Introduction: A- Definition of emphysema and explanation of its pathology: Emphysema is a chronic lung disease characterized by the progressive destruction of the alveolar walls in the lungs, which leads to a loss of elasticity in the lung tissues. This loss of elasticity leads to an increase in the air space of the lungs,…