Ocular Tumors


1- Retinoblastoma:

– Characterized by its early onset (children 2 to 3 years) and bilateralism and are frequent genetic trait

– The development exophytic tumors do not form a protruding mass, but causes a retinal detachment

– Pejorative factors: damage to the optic nerve; choroïdosclérale invasion

Presentation is


– Leucorie (amaurotic cat eye)

– Unequal pupil; mydriasis

– Nodular type of uveitis; sometimes pseudo-hypopyon;

– Rubeosis iris

– Other: Unilateral buphthalmos, Hyphema, strabismus or nystagmus;Cataract.

2- choroidal melanoma:

– This is the most common malignancy of over 50 adult

– CDD: decreased visual acuity; progressive glaucomatous visual fields;metamorphopsia; scotoma.

– Clinical signs: dilated episcleral Vx; Corneal hypoesthesia; stopping transmission of light at the scleral transillumination.

– Treatment if small tumor => proton therapy.

* Capillary hemangiomas (benign tumor) are the most common tumor of the orbit in children; he produced a progressive exophthalmos; disappear spontaneously

* The cavernous hemangiomas (adult) does not devolve

3- Tuberculosis:

* Keratoconjunctivitis phlyctenular

* Interstitial keratitis: nodular infiltrates deep -> pillowcases

* Acute Iridocyclitis (precipitated candle tasks)

* Tuberculous choroiditis: scattered follicles (tubers Bouchut)

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