Pericarditis ECG


Developments in 4 stages:

Stage I:

Subepicardial injury: ST segment elevation in upper concavity, early, fleeting, not including the T wave, positive.

Stage II (2nd week):

ST return to the isoelectric line with flattened T waves

Stage III:

Negativity of the T wave, which can persist for several weeks (most constant sign and most durable: 2-6 weeks)

Various stages of pericarditis
Various stages of pericarditis

– Essential fact: it’s images are diffuse and no images in mirrors.

– Other signs: QRS low volts (microvoltage) if effusion; sub-offset PQ segment (of high diagnostic value);extrasystoles and atrial fibrillation are common; appearance of alternating electrical abundant effusion (changes the direction of the electrical axis of the heart).

– Tamponade: the only sign of value is the electrical wave (variation of the amplitude and the morphology of the QRS, with variation of the electrical axis of the heart).

Pathological ECG
Pathological ECG

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