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Tag: Amiodarone

Traitement de l'insuffisance cardiaque

Treatment of heart failure in adults

With 120,000 new cases per year, heart failure (HF) has become a major public health problem, which is growing with the aging of the...


Palpitations match the abnormal perception of heartbeat, which usually are not seen. They are a frequent reason for consultation with the cardiologist. The challenge is...

Drug Actions ECG

1- cardiac drugs: A- Digitalis (impregnation): * PR Elongation * ST cup Aspect * Flattening or negativity of the T wave * A moderately increased amplitude U * QT shortening B-...


1- Classification of Vaughan Williams: * Class I: sodium channel inhibitors (+ membrane stabilizing effect) - Ia: quinidine; disopyramide (Rythmodan) - Ib: lidocaine; phenytoin; mexiletine - Ic: Cibenzoline,...


Catécholamines urinaires

Urinary Catecholamines



Épanchement pleural

Pleural effusion

Figure 8 : IRM hypothalamo-hypophysaire, coupe sagittale, séquence Ti après injection de gadolinium CRANIOPHARYNGIOME. Masse supra et intra-sellaire hyperintese avec une expansion vers le haut et l'arrière. A noter l'existence de 2 contingents : un contingent hypointense liquidien et un contingent prenant le contraste, tissulaire. Les calcifications, non individualisables sur cette IRM, sont mieux visualisables au scanner.

Pituitary MRI