Tag: Brucellosis
- A zoonosis man. Pets are most affected and are the reservoir from which humans become infected.
- Contamination occurs through ingestion of infected raw...
Lymphadenopathy is an enlarged lymph node.
A node typically measures less than 1 cm; lymphadenopathy typically measure at least 2 cm.
Lymph nodes are lymphoid formations...
The spleen is located in the left hypochondrium in the diaphragmatic dome. The normal rate measuring 10 to 12 cm in height and it...
Liver enlargement is a relatively common situation in outpatient pathology.
The liver is located at the top and right of the digestive tube, supramesocolic floor....
Incubation in Infectious Diseases
1- 2-5j:
- Cholera
- Chancroid
- Herpes (2 to 7d)
- Diphtheria
- The best part of bacterial infections (scarlet fever ...)
2- 10 days:
- Measles
- Leptospirosis (6 12j).
Meningitis clear liquid
Predominance of PNN
* Bacterial meningitis decapitated
* Bacterial meningitis early
* Listeriosis
* Reaction to a meningeal infection site
* Endocarditis
* Tuberculosis
* Listeriosis
* Cryptococcosis
* Borreliosis ...
* Listeriosis
* Brucellosis
Brucellosis ( undulant fever , undulant fever )
* Brucella: bacillus gram-negative aerobic and spore forming; Brucella intracellular situation makes the total sterilization almost impossible with a risk of relapse (3-10%).
Hypersensitivity of...