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Tag: Cancer


* Asbestos fibers are inorganic particles of silicate type; two types: serpentine (chrysotile) ; amphibole (crocidolite) * Exposed Professions: manufacture of insulation materials; joints; brake pad; shipbuilding;...

Detection of pancreatic cancer, revolutionary method!

Jack Andraka a young American 15 years has developed a revolutionary screening test for pancreatic cancer, adaptable for lung cancer and ovarian cancer. It all...

Liver cancer: treatment by a virus

Pexa-Vec, a genetically engineered virus was developed to target cancer cells and destroy them. A recent US study shows its positive effects on thirty...

Prostate cancer screening

WHY? According to 2000 statistics, prostate cancer is the most common male cancer (40,000 cases per year), and the second leading cause of cancer death...