Accueil Tags Candida albicans

Tag: Candida albicans

Candidoses cutanéo-muqueuses

Candidiasis Mucocutaneous

Warning: • The fungus Candida is a commensal gut but its presence in the mouth, vagina and on the skin is pathological. • Contributing factors are:...
Pathologie des ongles (Périonyxis)

Pathology nails

The nails of the disease can be classified according to the clinical aspect and in the isolated or not the nail involvement: - Coloring defects,...


* The Candida are yeasts (unicellular organism multiplying by bour-geonnement) * Candida albicans is a commensal of the digestive tract and mucous brilliant, not normally...

Superficial Fungal Infections

Mild infections of the skin, hair and nails caused by fungi (Candida albicans and dermatophytes). Clinical features and treatment: Candidiasis: - E rythème infant diaper erythema anogenital...