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Tag: Candida

Bacteria Vaginosis

I - GENERAL ON VAGINOSIS: The vaginosis or nonspecific vaginitis are frequent infections, characterized by vaginal discharge and due to other agents as Candida, Trichomonas,...


* The Candida are yeasts (unicellular organism multiplying by bour-geonnement) * Candida albicans is a commensal of the digestive tract and mucous brilliant, not normally...

Superficial Fungal Infections

Mild infections of the skin, hair and nails caused by fungi (Candida albicans and dermatophytes). Clinical features and treatment: Candidiasis: - E rythème infant diaper erythema anogenital...


Figure 8 : IRM hypothalamo-hypophysaire, coupe sagittale, séquence Ti après injection de gadolinium CRANIOPHARYNGIOME. Masse supra et intra-sellaire hyperintese avec une expansion vers le haut et l'arrière. A noter l'existence de 2 contingents : un contingent hypointense liquidien et un contingent prenant le contraste, tissulaire. Les calcifications, non individualisables sur cette IRM, sont mieux visualisables au scanner.

Pituitary MRI



Anticorps antigliadine

Gliadin Antibodies