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HISTORY: The genus Yersinia, named after the bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin who first isolated in 1894 the plague bacillus, was proposed in 1944 and formalized in...


DEFINITIONS AND CLASSIFICATION: The family Vibrionaceae: It includes gram-negative bacilli, mobile or mixed with polar cilia, optional aero-anaerobic growing on ordinary media, reducing nitrate to nitrite,...


This genus has been described by Henriksen and Bovre in 1976. Appearing in pairs or short chains, that Gram-negative bacilli tend to resist fading. Still,...

Pseudomonas genus

I - GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: A - Definition: Gram-negative bacilli, by a polar mobile ciliature rarely still, non-spore forming. Chemo-organotrophic bacteria with a strictly respiratory metabolism with terminal...

General information on Clostridium

Clostridium are Gram-positive spore forming bacilli, anaerobes. I - CLASSIFICATION: Among the bacilli and gram-positive cocci forming endospores, there are different kinds: Bacilli Cocri Aerobic Bacillus Sporosarcina Sporolactobacillus Oscilhspira Strict anaerobes...

Francisella Tularensis

Francisella tularensis was isolated after the occurrence of a new disease, pseudo-plague squirrel, observed in Tulare County, California in 1911. In 1921, Francis, American...


I - DEFINITION AND CLASSIFICATION: The Enterobacteriaceae family consists of bacterial genera that are assembled because of their common bacteriological characters. - These are Gram-negative bacilli...

Clostridium Tetani

Clostridium tetani, formerly known as bacillus Nicolaier, is a gram-positive bacillus spore forming, anaerobic strict, which releases a neurotropic exotoxin entramant a formidable poisoning:...


HISTORY: In 1913 a mobile bacillus Vibrio-like, was made responsible for the epizootic bovine abortions tasks. This bacillus was designated as Vibrio fetus by Smith...


HISTORY: In 1900 Bordet described a Gram-negative bacilli such as whooping cough agent. In 1906 Bordet and Gengou have managed to grow the bacillus on an...