Accueil Tags Lymphoma

Tag: Lymphoma

Ulcérations génitales

Genital Ulcer Disease (GUD)

Genital ulcers, defined as lesions vesicular, erosive ulcerous or genitals, single or multiple, with or without inguinal lymphadenopathy, should evoke a sexually transmitted infection. The...
Cliché thoracique de face d’un patient atteint de maladie de Hodgkin mettant en évidence une volumineuse masse polylobée se développant dans le médiastin supérieur. Le rapport médiastino-thoracique en D5/D6 est supérieur à un tiers

Hodgkin disease (Hodgkin lymphoma)

Diagnosis: A- Definition, epidemiology, etiology: Hodgkin's disease is now considered a particular type of lymphoma, characterized by proliferation of large cells called Reed-Sternberg cells in a...

Abdominal Tumors

1- Nephroblastoma: Rule occurs between 6 months and 6 years; 90% of tumors of the child's kidney and 10% of malignant tumors in children Malformations: aniridia...

Lymphogranuloma venereum (or Nicolas Favre disease)

Chronic disease due to Chlamydia trachomatis, especially affecting humans (often latent in women). Clinical signs: - Small canker often absent. - Ganglion inguinal fluctuating and painful, fistula...