Tag: Typhoid
Septicemia caused by Salmonella typhi, to start intestinal and blood spread through the lymphatic system. The contamination is direct (dirty hands) or indirect (contaminated...
Salmonella – Citrobacter
- In 1820, Bretonneau showed the contagiousness of typhoid fever that was called dothiénentérite.
- In 1880, Eberth bacillus first observed in the organs of...
Incubation in Infectious Diseases
1- 2-5j:
- Cholera
- Chancroid
- Herpes (2 to 7d)
- Diphtheria
- The best part of bacterial infections (scarlet fever ...)
2- 10 days:
- Measles
- Leptospirosis (6 12j).
Typhoid Fever
* This is a septicemic poisoning (S. enterica / Typhi) at the point of departure mesenteric lymph caused by the bacillus of Eberth.
The germ...