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Tag: visual

Enfants déficients visuels

Children with visual impairment

Introduction: The view occupies a special place among the senses, since 80% of the information we deal with is visual. The vision allows us to interact...

Visual Field

Indications: The determination of the visual field is used to diagnose glaucoma and intracranial tumors. Principle: It determines the field width seen by the patient making him...

Visual Acuity Decrease

1- occlusion of the central artery: In the retina * Visual acuity collapsed abruptly limited to light perception * The pupil is mydriasis aréflectique. Abolition of...

Visual Hallucinations

Hallucinate is to perceive in the absence of any external stimulus. Hallucinations, usually visual or auditory, leading the patient to see or hear something...




Maladie de Charcot

Charcot’s disease

Anticorps antigliadine

Gliadin Antibodies