

– Bacterial infections caused by 3 types of treponema (different from Treponema pallidum) whose human transmission is direct or indirect.

– The 3 non-venereal treponematoses result in positive syphilis serology

(TPHA-VDRL), but this review is not required for diagnosis remains primarily clinical.

– For treatment of syphilis see Genital infections.

Clinical signs:

See table next page.


For the 3 treponematoses benzathine benzylpenicillin IM

Children under 6 years: 600 000 IU single dose

Children over 6 years and adults: 1.2 MIU single dose

If allergic to penicillin: erythromycin PO

Children: 50 mg / kg / day divided into 2 or 3 doses for 14 days

Adult: 2-3 g / day divided into 2 or 3 doses for 14 days or doxycycline PO (except in pregnant or lactating women and children under 8 years)

Children over 8 years: 100 to 200 mg / day in one or two doses for 14 days

Adult: 200 mg / day in one or two doses for 14 days


• Antibiotics cure early stage cases and may relieve the pain of osteitis. It may be insufficient if late lesions.

• Syphilis serology will remain positive despite clinical cure.

Prophylaxis of contacts:

Examine and treat subjects benzathine benzylpenicillin IM contacts in a single dose as above (also to be administered to subjects with latent positive serology in endemic areas).

Clinical signs Treponematoses
Clinical signs Treponematoses

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