Urinary tract infection


1- radiological information:

Ultrasound: Systematic dice the first episode of UTI (boy or not)

CUM (retrograde cystography): Episode 2 in girls; from the 1st episode in boys

IVU: in case of anomalies on ultrasound, the MUC

Before any abnormality of the urinary tract systematically search for VUR by CUM

2- vesicoureteral reflux:

Most common in infants and young children under 5 years

RVU is frequently associated with acute pyelonephritis

Prophylaxis (after UTI) 6 months -> cyto-bacteriological examination urine each month and then every 3 months as appropriate. CUM every 12 months

Grade I, II, III: continuing the prophylactic treatment for several years; frequent disappearance of reflux

Grade IV, V: Surgical treatment for discussion after 1 year of medical treatment

Prophylactic treatment should be continued for 1 year after the disappearance of reflux

Urinary tract
Urinary tract

3- Classification:

Grade I: interesting reflux ureter

Grade II: reflux uretero-renal pelvis dilatation without calyceal

Grade III: minimal to moderate dilatation of the ureter and / or tortuous ureter with moderate dilatation of the pelvis;Light erase chalices

Grade IV: moderate dilatation of the renal pelvis and chalices.

Grade V: huge expansion and deformation of the ureter; expansion chalices ++

4- formal surgical indications:

VUR with recurrent pyelonephritis uncontrollable

VUR grade V persisting after the age of 1 year

Grade IV VUR in children over 2 years

Prophylaxis: 6 months or more if high IU or presence of a malformation uropathy.

More than 50% of children have recurrent

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